Double Interview: Meet Alberto Ronco – CEO & Co-founder di Trainect e Maria Reale – Sales and Customer Success | Sustainability Specialist; and know what our people think about it.

Our company believes in the huge value of its people, that protects and enhances through company welfare programs and training courses. The psychophysical wellbeing of each employee is something that needs to be ensured and safeguarded, especially in the workplace. Trainect brings to the forefront this issue that we believe is fundamental for smooth and sustainable business operations.

Who are you and what you do? What is Trainect? Which is your philosophy? What wellbeing means for you?

Trainect is an innovative Italian startup that offers a wellbeing platform for businesses, developing dedicated wellbeing’s paths hands in hands with companies. Wellbeing means for us balance: a balance with ourselves (both mentally and physically) and with the environment (both social and working spaces). Our values are: Responsibility, Participation and Circularity.

Among all contents shared by Trainect, which one do you think is the best one in order to increase the workers’ wellbeing and organization’s wellbeing? Which are the contents that you like developing the most?

The wellbeing path that we develop with each business is made by different elements, each one very important in order to reach and keep a wellbeing balance.

Together with companies we like to create dedicated and personalized challenges, based on employees’ needs. We did that with C. Tessile S.p.A., developing a dedicated competition in order to increase employees’ engagement toward the Trainect platform and App. We also provided to employees all the instruments suitable to build a personal wellness routine, helping them to have healthy breaks for few minutes.

Trainect starts as web platform, upgrading in Mobile App and later developing dedicated challenges for all users. What are your future projects?

Thanks to technology support we try to offer employees the best experience ever in order to take care of their wellbeing easily. In the future, we would like to create an even more customized path, based on each employees’ wellbeing.

Canclini1925 is the organization that won the October’s Mental Challenge, increasing our overall wellness score. Our company is now marked as an Healthy company. What are the metrics that you use to assess wellness improvements of the company?

Metrics we use for the assessment are based on 3 SDGs: increase health and wellness of employees, increase companies’ productivity and have a positive impact on the environment.

Casual Moment: What Traienct means? But, first of all, when will be the next event?

Trainect combines two words: Training and Connect. The objective is to connect people through training, involving all wellness areas.

2023 will be a year full of news, especially on the communication front. This to educate about how much wellness is important.


Here is what our people say about Trainect

Have you ever thought about the value of psychological and physical wellbeing while at work?

After the pandemic and the deep smart working experience, I started interesting more on my mental health and psychophysical wellbeing while at work and in general, thinking about how much a balanced and healthy working environment can impact on my overall health. These complicated times let me develop new understanding of myself, letting emerge new needs for wellness on my daily working routine. Once back in the office I wasn’t able to ignore the new consciousness gained about myself.

Do you think that the access to Trainect helped you with your psychophysical wellbeing while at work?

Yes, definitively. Giving to the workers the access to Trainect appears and is translated as awareness and interest of the company on the employee’s wellbeing. I can access interesting audio e video contents that can help me support my mental and physical health while at work.

Are you satisfied of communication about Trainect within the Company?

Yes, definitively!

Do you have insights and feedbacks for Trainect in order to increase workers’ psychophysical wellbeing?

Save favorite contents in order to let me navigate smoothly through contents that I like the most. A sort of personal wellness diary, with started videos and audios and those that I prefer the most. Maybe it could be interesting involving well known web hosts able to support themes shared.